Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lunch with the fam at Cheesecake Factory

Today was a nice relaxing last day of christmas break. The highlight of my day today was going to the Cheesecake Factory with the family and just have a nice meal all together oh and cheesecake is always a plus.  

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve '10

So seeing as though this year is coming to a close I decided it might be a good idea to make a new years resolution list. So here goes:

1) Become a better Christian
2) Study more (don't get lazy/ distracted)
3)Learn Something new
4) Help others more
5) Avoid Drama
6) Finish reading the whole Bible (I have this plan everyear and it never happens ever )
7) Run more (ie: actually do the 1/2 marathon this year)
8) Travel more
9) Enjoy ever moment
10) Spend more time with family

Thursday, December 30, 2010

:( Sad times ):

Dear Bank of America,

Why must your line be so long.

I wasted over an hour waiting in line just to make a simple deposit.

Ughhh time I will never get back!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Worst Fashion Trends of 2010

1) Harlem Pants/ Hammer Time pants

2) Anything Ed Harvey

3) Jeggings or leggings as pants

4) The hippster moustache

5) Crocs

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So Melissa & I decided that we should brave the crowds & took a trip to Disneyland, looking back on it I am not sure if it was entirely the best idea. Since we knew it was going to be crowded we decided to leave early, which is unusual for us. Once arriving in Anheim the troubles began. It took us an hour and half just to park the car the car.

And then we found out that Disneyland is at capacity and they are no longer letting anyone else in. So since we had already gone through all the trouble to get there we decided to go to California Adventure. And of course we made the best of it and had fun even though we had to wait in rediclous lines and the park was covered with people mainly tourists. All in all it worked out in the end.