Thursday, September 30, 2010

Busy Busy BEE

Basically thursdays this quarter are going to officially suck. So here is how my busy day went.

  8 -10:30 am Kumon
11-12:45 pm Sysco
 1-3:00pm Acc class
3:30-5:30 Kumon
      6-8:00 pm MHR class

So I finally get home at 8:30 eat dinner and just crash after running around all day. I am so glad it is finally the weekend!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bio Lab.

Today I had my first 8 am class in a long time. Thankfully I only have one this quarter and its only on Wednesdays so for the most part I can sleep in. And the class is only Biology Lab so I am thinking it should be pretty easy. Today we did our first lab which consisted of looking through microscopes at different slides. Which appears easy, but I soon discovered that I am not very good at microscopes. I can never find the thing on the slide, but thanks to my lab partner we found it and finished the lab fairly quickly.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Common Cold

Dear Common Cold,
Please go away. I have so many things to get done and can not waste any time on you. So please go away so I can get back to my busy life.
Thank You

Monday, September 27, 2010

Heat Wave!!

So even though it is officially the second day of fall we are experiencing a major heat wave in Southern California. Today was a record high of 116 degrees, it was miserable!! Crazy hot, hopefully this weather doesn't last to long, Hans and I aren not fans!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Who are you??

I can not stand when people walk around with their bluetooths on their ears and they are not talking to anyone. Are they expecting a call?? Do they not know that it is still on?? Or do they really think its cool?? Please people do me a favor and take them off.  

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Girls movie night!!

So tonight Melissa and I had a much needed girls night. It was a typical girls night, which included dinner usually at corner bakery where we can talk, vent, and gossip on all the important events that have happened since we last saw each other. Then we usually see a movie, which is really hard sometimes because we never can agree on one. Melissa always wants an action, horror, thriller movie and I would perfer a comedy or chick flick. Tonight we actually agreed for a change decided to see Going the Distance. And it was hilarious definetly a good pick. The best part of the movie was one character Charlie Day, he plays charlie in Its always Sunny in Philadelphia. He was hilarious!!!
"Where are all the baby pigeons!!"

Friday, September 24, 2010

Bestie is home for the weekend!!

My best friend Kat came home for the weekend. So tonight we caught up while eating frozen yogurt and walking the Monrovia street fair.

 We briefed eachother on our first week of school, boys, and drama (basically all the important stuff).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

1st day of Senior year

Today was the first day of class for fall quarter. My schedual is all over the place because of the budget cuts. I am just happy to actually have gotten classes. Today I had Accounting 312, which is the second of three intermediate accounting classes. I was suprised to find that when I walked into class I recognized pretty much everyone. That should make class interesting and more relaxed. We shall she was the quarter brings, I know it will be pretty hectic with one class everyday, an online class, and a three hour class on saturday. Lets just hope I survive and manage to have some fun too.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Staff Meetings

Today we had a staff meeting with the districts supervisor (Sung.) And let me tell you what I learned is that staff meetings are so POINTLESS! We all just sat there and listened to the same speal and powerpoint presentation while my boss tried to talk up the center and how amazing we are. Basically just lies, and if we can't admit the problems and ask for help from the supervisor we cant fix them its just frustrating.     

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So I feel like such an awful person. I just spent the last hour an half watching biggest loser while eating a huge bowl of ice cream!! The show is about people living on a ranch together and loosing weight. The goal of the show is to encourage a healthier life style. I guess the message was lost on me!  

Monday, September 20, 2010

What are they thinking???

I do not understand why people feel the need to bleach their hair? It looks awful and looks so unatural, yet many people still feel the need to do it. And for some reason soccer players feel the need to do it at some point during there career!! All I have to say is major MISTAKE!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Curb Your Enthusiasm Marathon

Larry David is hilarious and can always make me laugh from Curb Your Enthusiasm to his greatest work Seinfeld!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Tonight I took my brother Holden to the Hollywood bowl to see Phoenix for his birthday!! The show was AMAZING. First Girls played, followed by Grizzly Bear (who had a special guest Feist join them for a song), and then the night was concluded with Phoenix!!!  AWSOMENESS!!!
Thomas Mars from Phoenix!!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Maxi is my mothers beloved dog and in a way her fourth child. Well, today Maxi was acting very odd. She was spending the whole day outside and when it was time for dinner she did not come in to eat her food (and food is maxi's favorite thing in the world.) So my mom immediately took her to the vet. Apparently the vet ran a million tests and discovered that she had a heart murmur, two ear infections, and a very bad back which may be thrown out. Basically our little mutt which we thought was perfectly healthy is not but we are glad we found out about it now before it became worse.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cleaning day

So before the start of each quarter I like to spend some time cleaning my room and closet and just getting ready for the new start!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happy National Felt Hat Day!!

One odd thing about me is that I love celebrating all holidays regardless of how rediclous they are. So today was no different and I celebrated National Felt Hat day by wearing a hat all day even though I look rediclous in them!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

End of Summer

I love this time of year! The weather is perfect (its warm, no jacket needed, and more importantly no rain yet.) And also all the flowers in our backyard are in bloom and its just gorgeous!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

U.S. Open

Tonight Rafa Nadal has finally completed his career grand slam and won his first U.S. Open defeating Novak Djokovic. Novack gave him a good fight with his killer forhand but Rafa's game was ultimatly to much for him to handle and his newly improved served put his right over the edge to grab the title. It was a good match and unfortunetly we have to wait until January for the next major hopefully Rafa can pull a win there again!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Family Dinner

Today Holden came home for his first weekend from college and we had a family dinner.And Matt, Grace and I were in charge of dessert. We made a chocolate strawberry shortcake. It tasted really good but our presentation wasn't the most appealing!!But taste is all that matters right?? haha

Saturday, September 11, 2010

LA Fair

Today Kat and I went to the LA Fair and had the typical fair experience. We ate tons of deep fried foods until we felt sick to our stomaches, saw some fat pigs and smelly cows, rode the giant slide on a potatoe bag, watched people loose at the carnival games, drank the best chocolate milk on the face of the planet, people watched (all the weridos), watched the pig races, and everything else that generally occurs at the fair.  

Deep Fried Resses!!


Friday, September 10, 2010


So when you go shopping and say your just going to look and not buy anything it never turns out the way you plan it. And that is exactly what happened to me today. I went to old town pasadena with my best friend Kathryn and we both planned just to puruse and look around. Of course as soon as I say that I see the most perfect boots at urban outfitters that I must have. And when I am trying them on I lay my eyes on a classic pair of black pumps that I need too. So thirty min later I have two new pairs of shoes and I am down $150. I guess I have should have know!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Busy day

Today I woke up early & drove Melissa to the airport and as a result spent a lot of time on the freeways and felt exhausted for the rest of the day!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today was our last day in New York and we spent it uptown.
We walked the Brooklyn Bridge!

Visited Wall Street!!
And saw the Statue of Liberty
It was an awsome way to end our trip to New York

Monday, September 6, 2010


Today Grace and I went to the U.S Open. Yep, you heard me right we went to the U.S OPEN!!! And it was awsome right out of a dream.

Soderling's Serve

Monfils vs. Gasquet

Arthur Ashe Stadium

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Central Park

Today Grace & I spent to entire day exploring Central Park!!! We went everywhere from the Central Park Zoo, the mall, the boat house, sailboat pond, MET, the Castle, shakespear garden, Alice in wonderland statue, and so much more.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Sister Trip to New York!!

Basically in a nut shell this summer has sucked. It has consisted of work, summer school, studying nonstop, and some serious drama. So my sister and I planned a quick trip to New York for some last minute fun and to get away from everything.  

So our New York adventure began this morning. We flew out of LAX at 9 am & arrived in New York at 4 pm local time. We grabed a cab to our hotel & checked in and dropped our bags off. And then we were off to explore the city!! We headed to Times Square and wandered around for a bit. Then we went to Crumbs and grabbed some awsome cupcakes and ate them in Bryant Park before calling it a night!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bucket List

So the next few weeks are offically summer for me. I am so excited because summer school is finally over. Yeah!! So I was thinking how I would spend the time and decided to make a bucket list too, of all the things I want to do or see or acheive before I die. So here is the preliminary list

1.Eat strawberries & cream at Wimbledon
2.Ride a gondola in Venice
3.Run a marathon maybe half marathon
4.Learn another language
5.Make a difference in someone’s life
6.Visit all 50 States (I have been to 16 so far)
7.Be at Times Square on New Years Eve
8.Visit the Vatican
9.Go swimming with dolphins
10.Visit the coliseum in Rome
11.Learn to sail
12.Visit the Parthenon in Greece
13.Go pub hopping in Ireland
14.Fall in love
15.Watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving day parade live
16.Get a bachelors degree
17. Audition for a reality TV show(amazing race)
18.Sleep in a Castle
19.Get married
20.Mush a dog sled
21.Milk a cow
22.Attend the Olympics
23Ride a camel
24Dance in the rain
25.Start a family
26.Ride a Vespa in Italy
27.Catch fire flies
28. Win money in Las Vegas
29.Shoot a gun
30.Sleep under the stars
31.Learn to throw a boomerang
32.Make a snow man
33.Send a message in a bottle
34.Dive in a submarine
35.Make homemade pasta
36.Go the US Open
37.Sit on a jury (only once though)
38.Drink out of a beer stein in Germany
39.Eat deep dish pizza in Chicago
40.Take a self defense class
41.Visit The Neuschwanstein castle
42.Scuba in the great Barrier Reef
43.See the toure de France live
44.See the northern lights
45.Adopt a ascent for an entire day
46.Visit a vineyard
47.Watch a meteor shower
48.Scream as loud as you can
49.Take a midnight walk on the beach
50.Go parasailing
51. Watch the Australia Open live
52. Watch the French Open live
53. Go to March Madness Final

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


For the past week at Kumon we have been getting bizare nasty phone calls from a man named Fred that want to enroll his son in the program. Fred is very rude and does not take no for an answer. He insists on talking to our director who is unavailable & when we tell him she cannot speak at the moment he gets very angry and takes it out on whoever is on the phone. I personally have been the victim and have been called an idiot and stupid. Well today much to everyones suprise Fred made an apperace no appointment or anything. Of course like usual our director (the one he wants to speak to) is in a parent conference. So we ask him to wait a few min and she will gladly answer any of his questions. About five min later he come up and says "I can not wait around all day" and leaves his phone number an leaves. The whole time he was waiting he was just pacing with a huge scoul on his face. There is seriously something wrong with this man. I hope he does not enroll his son and I am begining to question if he has a son at all. Scary day at Kumon!!

Us Open update: Azarenka collapsed on court today & Andy Roddick was upset by tipsarevic in the second round