Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Second Annual Tungate Pumpking Carving Contest

After last years disastrous last place finish I was determined to do much better. So I spent hours finding a stencil, picking the most perfect pumpkin and planning out exactly how to carve it.
The Pumpkin lineup
And guess what I WON!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ghetty with Jessica!

We had so much fun wandering around the museum. I do not think the other people were that fond of us though. This was because my shoes made this clomping noise and Jessica's squeeked, you could hear us coming from a mile away!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Today I swung by the Cal Poly Health Center to have my first ever flu shot. My mom is requiring all of us to get one this year so we do not get sick during our vacation to florida later this year.And I personally hate shots so I hope it is worth it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


  1. In Quitman, Georgia, chickens may not cross the road.
  2. It’s illegal to ride an ugly horse in Wilbur, Washington.
  3. In Mohave County, Arizona, if anyone is caught stealing soap, he must wash himself with it until the soap is gone.
  4. First cousins may marry in Utah, but only after they’re 65 years old.
  5. In Tennessee, it is illegal for children to play games on Sunday without a license.
  6. It is illegal in Tennessee for an atheist to hold office.
  7. In Indiana, it is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.
  8. It is illegal in California to lick a toad which apparently, some people were lickidoing to get high.
  9. It is against Michigan state law to tie a crocodile to a fire hydrant.
  10. Colorado law states that a man cannot marry his wife’s grandmother.
  11. In Kansas, when two trains meet at a crossing, “both shall come to full stop and neither shall start up again until the other has gone. (how is that even possible)
  12. A woman in a housecoat is forbidden to drive a car in California.
  13. According to Minneapolis law, a person who double parks a car will be put on a chain gang with only bread and water to eat.
  14. In Michigan, a woman’s hair belongs to her husband.
  15. In Morrisville, Pennsylvania, it is illegal for a woman to wear cosmetics without a permit.
  16. A man is forbidden to kiss a woman while she’s asleep in Logan County, Colorado.
  17. In Challis, Idaho, it is illegal to walk down the street with another man’s wife.
  18. Flirting in little Rock, Arkansas, can land someone in jail for 30 days.
  19. In Truro, Mississippi, a man must prove himself worthy before getting married by hunting and killing either six blackbirds or three crows.
  20. There are still laws in Pueblo, Colorado, stating that it is illegal to grow dandelions.
  21. A woman in Memphis, Tennessee, is not allowed to drive a car unless man is in front of the car waving a red flag to warn people and other cars. (rediclous)
  22. It is illegal for children under the age of 12 to talk on the telephone unless accompanied by a parent in Blue Earth, Minnesota.
  23. In Eureka, Nevada, it is illegal for men who have mustaches to kiss women. (I like this rule haha)
  24. It is illegal in Waco, Texas, to throw a banana peel onto the street because a horse could slip.
  25. In Texas, the Encyclopedia Britannica was banned because it contained a formula for making beer.
  26. Pickles were outlawed in Los Angeles because the smell might offend people.
  27. It’s illegal in St. Louis, Missouri, for a fireman to rescue a woman wearing a nightgown. If she wants to be rescued, she must be fully clothed.
  28. Hartford, Connecticut, banned men from kissing their wives on Sundays.
  29. A woman wearing shorts, a halter-top, or bathing suit to a political rally in Wheatfield, Indiana, could be charged with a misdemeanor.
  30. Women in Whitesville, Delaware, could be charged with disorderly conduct if they propose marriage to a man.
  31. In Kentucky, it is against the law to remarry the same man four times.
  32. It is against the law for a husband to beat his wife on the courthouse steps on a Sunday. (what only on sundays)
  33. In Arizona, oral sex is considered sodomy.
  34. In Arizona, a man may legally beat his wife once a month, but no more.
  35. In Dyersburg, Tennessee, it is against the law for girl to telephone a boy to ask for date.
  36. In Kentucky, a woman is forbidden to wear a bathing suit on a highway unless she is armed with a cub or is escorted by at least two officers. The amendment says that the provisions of this statue “shall not apply to a female weighing less than 90 pounds or exceeding 200 pounds.”
  37. According to an Atlanta, Georgia, ordinance, “smelly people” are not allowed to ride public streetcars.
  38. Massachusetts passed a law on 1648 that allowed a parent to put to death a stubborn or rebellious son. The law has been repealed by the legislature.
  39. In Massachusetts, a person could be fined up to $200 for denying the existence of God.
  40. In 1659, Massachusetts outlawed Christmas. According to state law, anybody observing Christmas would be fined five shillings.
  41. In California, ostrich steaks are exempt from state sales tax.
  42. In Lexington, Kentucky, it is against the law to carry an ice cream cone in a pocket.
  43. Policemen are allowed to bite a dog if they think it will calm the dog down in Paulding, Ohio.
  44. In Zeigler, Illinois, only the first four firemen to arrive at a fire will be paid for their work.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things that scare me:


Monday, October 25, 2010

What were their parents thinking??

It's really sad that before a child is even born a parent can ruin their life with giving them the wrong name. So decided to compile a list of what I belive to be the worst names a person can receieve.

Girls:                                                Boys:
Gertrude                                           Dick (I mean come on really)
Helga                                               Gaylord
Haya (prononced like hey ya)           Eugene
Agatha                                             Adolf
Bertha                                              Bubba
Ursala                                               Burl
Beatrice                                            Zane (like insane)
Gladys                                              Wolfgang
Phoebe                                              Maxamillion
Wanda                                              Asher
Edith                                                 Horris
Lucinda                                             Guy (like we didn't know you are a boy)

And I hate the new trend of Celebs naming their children rediclous things just to be unique like:
- Apple: Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrow
- Fuchsia: Sting and Frances Tomelty
- Hopper: Sean Penn and Robin Wright
- Suri: Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes
- Kye: David Duchovny and Tea Leoni
- Coco: Courteney Cox and David Arquette
***just to name a few

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Carving Disasters

Seeing as though it fall Kat & I decided that we should carve pumpkins, it is only fitting. However, it turned out not to be that easy and our pumpkins turned out awful and princess, Kat's roomate dog, ate Kat's an hour after she finished it was a bad idea from the get go. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wine Tasting

So I am officialy 21 and five days so what better way to celebrate then to go wine tasting with my best friend. It was so much fun and after three samples we were good. After wine tasting we toured the cave, where they store the wine, and then people watched all the drunk people (it was hilarious.) Oh and of course we got hit on by some drunk guy. In a nut shell it was a good day. 

Friday, October 22, 2010


So I am off to San Luis Obispo to visit my best friend Kathryn. I am so excited to see her but not looking forward to the three and half hour drive!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Seat Belt Issues!

So my car is getting really old and now random parts are breaking. The most recent casualty is the drivers seat seatbelt. And without a seatbelt, let me tell you, it is so scary to drive. I have been driving super slow and moved my seat back as far as I could with still being able to reach the petals. I need to bring it into the shop to be fixed ASAP!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rainy Day

So for the last few days it has been raining like crazy. I wish the rain would just go away because I am so tired of being wet and cold. I want the normal october weather for California 90/80 degrees.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Big Day

So today is finally the day for the huge accounting midterm. I have been studying all week and weekend & am excited for it finally to be over.

Monday, October 18, 2010


So today is my 21st birthday & sadly I spent the day at school and working. I guess it the reality of getting older, and all the different responsibilities. But its ok I will celebrate for real this weekend. I did however have my first legal drink!! Yeah!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Birthday Dinner

Tonight I went out to dinner to Roy's, my favorite resteraunt, with all of my family to celebrate my 21st birthday, which is tommorow!! (I am so excited I am almost 21 YEAH!!!! ) 
My two grandmas and I

Saturday, October 16, 2010


So unfortunetly I have a huge midterm on Tuesday, so I spent my entire saturday studying. I have read each chapter 3 times, done the homework multiple times, read the powerpoint lectures, reviewed quizes. I have studied so much I feel like my brain is going to explode.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bigger and Brighter things

Trust has always been a major issue in my life. A lot of the most important people in my life have sadly broken my trust and really hurt me. It has been a major struggle and I know I need to get over this hurdle, but it is really hard to overcome something that has damaged me so much. So I think I am ready to turn a new leaf and get pass this and put all the negativity behind me. And put all the people who have harmed me behind me and move on to bigger and brighter things.     

Thursday, October 14, 2010

First Midterm!!

Today was my first test of the quarter. It was an online test for Accounting 418, Forensic Accounting. And I am glad to report that I got a 94%. Not a bad way to start the quarter!!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Meet the Firms

My Business Attire!!
So today was one of the most important days for a senior account student at Cal Poly, its Meet the Firms. Meet the Firms is when tons of different accounting firms come together and the students try to market themselves in hope of getting a job after graduating. And let me tell you it is so SCARY!!! But I am glad I put myself out there and talked to alot of firms and who knows what it will bring.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

National Face Your Fear Day

So in honor of the bizzare holiday I decided to face one of my fears today. I am sad to admit that yes I am scared of elevators. I am not quite sure why it may be that I feel that it will plumet to the ground at any moment, or that it is a situation that I am not fully in control over, or the fact that I have been stuck in one. I don't know what the reason is, but I just do not like them. However, I am happy to report that I did take one today to my MHR class, but decided to take the stair back down. (but I still did it Yeah!!) 
My fear of plummeting to my death (elevator shaft!!)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Back in the swing of things

So I think I am finally use to my hetic schedual. I feel like during the school week I am running around everywhere and have no time to breath. Of course today was no different I have been at school, sysco, and kumon and I am so excited to fianlly be home!!  

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Cultures Collide Music Festival

Today Lissa and I went to a music festival in hollywood. The line up was packed with Tokyo Police Club, The Boxer Rebellion, Sea Wolf, Phantogram, Josiah wolf, the tender box and so much more. Needless to say it was awsome!! 

Boxer Rebellion

Josiah Wolf

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Santa Monica

Today Melissa and I went to Santa Monica for the day for some shopping. And we were quite sucessful and probally spent way to much!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Girls Night Out!

Tonight my best friend Kathryn took me out for an early birthday dinner.  We ate at the cutest little italian resteraunt Le Petie Four right on sunset. The food was amazing and while we were eating there was a gun threat called in. So a bazillion cops showed up and were searching the area. Scary!! Apparently they thought it was just a prank because they did not find anything, but they did detain a few guys just in case someone threw it in the bushes or something.

Well, after an eventful dinner we went to the newly opened magnolia's bakery. Magnolia's is a the most amazing cupcake bakery in New York City, which has newly opened in LA. Yummmmy!!! It was an amazing night!!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thursdays :(

Thrusdays are my busy days and in all the whoopla I somehow forgot to eat lunch and dinner. So all day the only thing I ate was a bag of peanut , not good I won't be doing that again thats for sure.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


It has been raining nonstop for the last three days. So today for some reason I thought the rain would be gone so I wore Toms, and of course that was not the case. Instead it poured and I was slipping and sliding all around campus. I am glad to report that in all the trips and sliding I only fell once (which is pretty amazing for me.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The end of a good friend

Today I had to say a goodbye to an old faithful friend, big red the streightener. Who has been there through the curly, the frizzy, and the drop dead awful hair. However, in the wake of all the sadness I am glad to report that  I have a new friend, little friend!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Its starting to feel like fall!!

So the tropical storms and heat wave are fianlly gone and the chilly fall weather has rolled in. Unfortunetly here in California we do not get the beautiful leaves changing but it is time for cute jackets, warm boots, and cozy blankets. (I am excited!!!)And its almost my birthday only two more weeks.   

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Grandma with some of the grandchildren

Saturday, October 2, 2010

UCLA Wins!!

So far UCLA is not having a totally awful football season. They are on a two week winning streak after beating Washington tonight 42-28. Yeah!!!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Tropical Thunder Storms

The weather has been so unnatural lately for Southern California. All last night and through this morning there have been thunder storms and lightning. There are sporadic rain showers and it is so humid. I feel like I am living in Florida and not California. Ugh I want normal fall weather!