Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Five years time

“well in five years time we could be walking ‘round a zoo with the sun shining down over me and you. and there’ll be love in the bodies of the elephants, too, and I’ll put my hand over your eyes but you’ll peek through…”

I have often found wondering where my life will lead me five years from this moment. The future appears to be an empty canvas. Who knows where it will lead or the number of new experiences that will be drawn out on this vast blankness? Maybe I’ll be married and have a kid or two. Who knows? We will just have to wait and see!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A few of my favorite things

- chapstick ( I could not live w/ out it)
- Seinfeld episodes
- cozy socks
- people watching
- march madness
- vacations
- boots
- red wine
- good music
- tennis
- peanut butter m&ms

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Goofy's Kitchen

It is a Tungate family tradition to go to Goofy's Kitchen the Sunday after thanksgiving. This tradition started seven years ago because I was unable to pig out on thanksgiving because the following saturday was the cross country state championships. So the sunday after the meet we would all go to goofys kitchen and I would finally get the chance to pig out.
And the tradition has continued on because as soon as I graduated highschool Grace was on the varstiy cross country team and had the state championships. We will have to see what happens next year since everyone will be done with cross country and there will be no meet for the Tungate family!! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Tonight Kat and I saw the cirque du soleil show "O" and let me tell you it was amazing. It was like nothing I had ever seen before there were people flying, swimming, diving and jumping all over the place and it was awsome. I recomend that if you have not seen one of their shows yet that you get on it cause it is something that should not be missed.

Friday, November 26, 2010


So my best friend & I are finally both 21 and since we have a break from school we decided that a trip to Las Vegas is a major must.

Our luck this trip never seemed to run out. First we made it to Vegas crazy fast there seemed to be no traffic, which was a suprise since it was a holiday weekend. Then our room gets updated to a suite, which was huge with two bathrooms and a lounge area and a bedroom. And then I had the best luck at the penny slots and always managed to win (unfortunetly Kat wasn't so lucky!!)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


So today began like every other thanksgiving, we all gathered in the livingroom and watched the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. And like always I am the only one who ends up watching the whole thing, slowly but shirly everyone seems to disappears. First my dad left to work on the dinner preporations, the my mom left to start cleaning the house, then holden fell asleep which is not techincally leaving but he wasn't watching so I am going to count it, and then grace left to clean her room leaving me alone on the couch watching the parade. I should be use to it since it happend ever year but I am not. Then we all cleaned the house getting ready for tonight.

Later Ellen and Amanda came over for the festivities. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing like always (my dad is a fantastic cook) Then we played games and watched the dog show. All in all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I just want to personally thank Belle & Sebastian for being the perfect sound track to study to and for just being so dammm awsome!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So I am finally done with all my christmas shopping with over a month to spare!!! And I have to admit this is probably the latest I have ever finished, usually I have months and months to spare.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The little things in life...

I hate to admit it but sometimes I get so  busy and consumed by life that I miss out on the little things. The things that use to make me smile. Like such a simple thing like a blade of grass

Friday, November 19, 2010

New unwanted visitors

So unfortunetly the palm trees across the street from our house have become home to these massive turkey vultures. Apparently, their former home (palm trees on hillcrest) were recently trimed and they decided to move to our street.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

"When the Cold the dark and the silence comes"

I hate it getting dark so early. It just makes me want to be home in bed and since its only 5 o'clock I am either stuck at work or school. AHH it needs to be christmas break already!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Moya retires

Carlos Moya retired from tennis today after an amazing 15 year career. His greatest accomplishments include winning the french open in 1998 and a short stint of being number one. Thank you for all the amazing tennis, you will be missed.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Joshua Radin

So I am obsessed with the new Joshua Radin CD it is amazing!! On this album the songs are more upbeat and the lyrics are awsome as always!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday night dinner!

Hobie came home for our weekly sunday night dinner. It was good to see the little boy.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Tonight Kathryn and I went to skybar in Hollywood and saw Sondre Lerche perform. He was awsome as always!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Green Tea

The fall season has finally arrived and unfortunetly it has brought with it the unfortunate cold. This awful sickness has come at the worst time right during midterms. It is so hard to try and focus when your not feeling well. So I have been drinking eight green teas a day to try and get rid of it. It has not worked so far but I will give it a few days.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veterans day

Dear Veterans,
Thank you so much for your courage, dedication, and sacrifices that you made to make our country free.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sad day in tennis

Elena Dementieva retired from tennis today. Sadly she never won a grandslam in her career but she does have a gold medal from the olympics, not to bad. The tennis world will miss you Elena you were a great player. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Windy Days!!

So its finally starting to feel more like fall the weather may still be warm but at least there is a breeze in the air now.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Big Exam!!

So today is the day of the big exam. I have been studying all weekend and it was still kind of hard. There is just so many tiny details and in tax its crazy one little thing can change everything. The test was super long, the class is usually 2 hrs and I spent three and a half hours on the test. But in the end I did my best so we will just have to wait and see.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Studying Day 1

So I have a huge taxation midterm Monday and I probally will be spending the whole weekend studying. :(

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Kumon Woes!!

So Kumon has gotten really bad lately. Basically in a nut shell no one is doing anything and the rare few that do are getting blamed for everything. So I am working my ass of just to get yelled at. Its not worth it, and it sucks. How can my boss be so oblivious and clueless?? If she keeps this up she will loose all the people that are actually working and her business will not be able to turn a profit.
Kumon may just be a sinking ship!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Twenty place I must go to before I die

1. Venice2. London (check)
3. Barcelona
4. Rome
5. Paris (check)
6. Dublin
7. Munich
8. Berlin
9. Athens
10. Amesterdam
11. Vienna
12. Stockholm
13. Zuric
14. Moscow
15. Florence
16. Madrid
17. Tuscany
18. Prague
19. Edinburgh
20. Milan

* And of course they pretty much are all in Europe!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday, November 1, 2010

candy, candy & more candy

So today is the day after Halloween and unfortunetly I made the same mistake I make every single year. I ate way to much candy and now I feel so sick. But it was well worth it and I am sure I will make the same mistake next year as well!!