Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas started earlier than normal for me personally this year. I had to wake up at 7 am (ugh) and go over to my aunts house and check/spend time with her dogs. When I got back I was suprised to find that everyone was still sleeping so I did what anyone would do in this situation I proceeded to wake everyone up.

Once I managed to rangle the troops together we gathered in the living room to open all our presents.This year we have begun and awsome new tradition; like usual we take turns passing out a present to everyone, but now they are refered to this person as the gift gnome and while they are passing out the present the remaining people are allowed to throw the wrapping paper at them. It may sound very juvenial however it is very entertaining and we got quite a kick out of it.   

Then for Christmas dinner we went over to Ellen and Amanda's. For dinner we had lasanga, which was a pleasent change from all the ham and turkey we had been having.  We then opened up some presents and played a very intense game of buzzerwizzer, a trivia game, which my team won Yeah!!!! It was an amazing Christmas I could not have asked for anything better!!!!!

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