Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Eve '10

So seeing as though this year is coming to a close I decided it might be a good idea to make a new years resolution list. So here goes:

1) Become a better Christian
2) Study more (don't get lazy/ distracted)
3)Learn Something new
4) Help others more
5) Avoid Drama
6) Finish reading the whole Bible (I have this plan everyear and it never happens ever )
7) Run more (ie: actually do the 1/2 marathon this year)
8) Travel more
9) Enjoy ever moment
10) Spend more time with family

Thursday, December 30, 2010

:( Sad times ):

Dear Bank of America,

Why must your line be so long.

I wasted over an hour waiting in line just to make a simple deposit.

Ughhh time I will never get back!!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Worst Fashion Trends of 2010

1) Harlem Pants/ Hammer Time pants

2) Anything Ed Harvey

3) Jeggings or leggings as pants

4) The hippster moustache

5) Crocs

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


So Melissa & I decided that we should brave the crowds & took a trip to Disneyland, looking back on it I am not sure if it was entirely the best idea. Since we knew it was going to be crowded we decided to leave early, which is unusual for us. Once arriving in Anheim the troubles began. It took us an hour and half just to park the car the car.

And then we found out that Disneyland is at capacity and they are no longer letting anyone else in. So since we had already gone through all the trouble to get there we decided to go to California Adventure. And of course we made the best of it and had fun even though we had to wait in rediclous lines and the park was covered with people mainly tourists. All in all it worked out in the end.

Monday, December 27, 2010


You know those guys that just do not get the hint. They keep texting you and even though you have not responded in over a month they still continue. Well, unfortunetly I have one of those. So in order to entertain myself i changed is name to creeper so that even though he will still continue to text me, I get a little laugh out of it.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Akward times

So my family decided to all go see the movie the Little Fockers together. And let me tell you it was one of the most akward movies to watch with your parents. It was just uncomfortable and on top of that not that funny either.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Christmas started earlier than normal for me personally this year. I had to wake up at 7 am (ugh) and go over to my aunts house and check/spend time with her dogs. When I got back I was suprised to find that everyone was still sleeping so I did what anyone would do in this situation I proceeded to wake everyone up.

Once I managed to rangle the troops together we gathered in the living room to open all our presents.This year we have begun and awsome new tradition; like usual we take turns passing out a present to everyone, but now they are refered to this person as the gift gnome and while they are passing out the present the remaining people are allowed to throw the wrapping paper at them. It may sound very juvenial however it is very entertaining and we got quite a kick out of it.   

Then for Christmas dinner we went over to Ellen and Amanda's. For dinner we had lasanga, which was a pleasent change from all the ham and turkey we had been having.  We then opened up some presents and played a very intense game of buzzerwizzer, a trivia game, which my team won Yeah!!!! It was an amazing Christmas I could not have asked for anything better!!!!!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Every Christmas Eve my grandparents come over and we have our celebration together. Over the years the routine never really changes, and this year was no different. First we opened presents, then we had an amazing meal that my dad cooked and then we head off to christmas eve service at church! All in all it was a great night!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Rain! Rain! Rain!!

Remember when it rained all day.
No playtime locked away.
Dancing to the beat of rain.
Will it ever stop?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


So the last thing anyone wants to do the morning after arriving home late from a vacation/ flight is go to the dentist, and of course that is exactly what I did. After very little sleep and a three hour time change waking up early to have a dentist poke around in my mouth was not fun.

Monday, December 20, 2010

A slight detour to the everglades

So ever since I heard that our family was going to Florida for vacation I have been insisting that we must go on one of those airboats in the everglades and search for alligators. At first they thought I was crazy, this however did not stop me from constantly bringing it up. I think they finally got tired of me talking about it because they finally agreed to go.

And it was amazing just like I thought it would be. The birds would run away from the boat while flapping their wings so it would look like they were running on water.

Thanks to our amazing guide we were able to spot and get up close to a few alligators.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Animal Kingdom

So today we are off to the Animal Kingdom which is a mixture of the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, the La Zoo, and a theme park. Its nuts but it is filled with everything a kid can ask for!  

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Disney Studios

Today we went to Disney studios which is basically like Universal studios. The park consisted of tons of stunt shows, some rides, and musical shows. For lunch we ate at the Hollywood's Brown Derby which is an exact replica of the old famous resteraunt. It was a blast looking at all the pictures and guessing what old celebrity it was.

It was amazing to see the lights display at the studios. At christmas time they completly cover four blocks with christmas lights and have them dance to music until the park closes. It was quite an amazing sight.

Friday, December 17, 2010


Today we went to our first disney park of the trip, Epcot. It was so different from any other park I had been to before, but still amazing. It was so much fun to go through all the different countries and see little peices of their culture. My favorite part actually of this park was the fact that the people in each country were actually from there. So much fun!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Family Vacation to Florida

Today my family leaves for a vacation to Florida. I am so excited to get away and to have a break from life. So we arrived in Orlando after a short (for our family) five hour flight and took the Disney shuttle to our hotel. We are staying at the most fantastic hotel called the Yacht Club. It is located on a man made beach (hint the pic) and it is decorated with tons of yacht parafanela.
Once we arrived we went straight to the downtown disney, which is like five times the size of ours. We walked around for a while and had a lovely meal at the house of blues. Then we watched the Cirqu du soleil show La Nouba, which was amazing!!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Balian Mansion

Tonight all of my friends from highschool planned to meet up at the Balian Masion to catch up on life. The Balian Mansion, for those of you who do not know, is a huge mansion in pasadena which is owned by the Balian family (the famous ice cream makers) and every year at christmas time they cover their house in lights in honor of Christmas.
This year when we got there the lights were put on the house but they were not turned on. Major disapointment so we ended up at Starbucks chatting for hours instead!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Cards

One of my favorite parts of this time of year is getting all the christmas cards from everyone.
This was one of my favorites from this year so far!!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Keaton Family Christmas Party

Every year my dad's side of the family gets together for the anual Keaton Anual Christmas Party. And at the party we always have a white elephant gift exchange except the presents are suppose to be good not bad. However, that is usually not the case I always end up with the worst gift ever. One year I got the ugliest scarf; another year I went home with a rolling pin and a measure cup (i know rediclous) This year however my luck changed and I ended up with a starbucks gift card. I am so excited i think the curse is finally over, well lets hope.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Accounting final


Wednesday, December 8, 2010

All nighter

So tommorow is my Intermdiate Accounting final. And my teacher told me to study everything; he would not narrow it down at all and there is  just so much information. I guess its going to be my first all nighter of the quarter! 

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kumon Awards

Tonight were the famous Kumon awards which happen each year around this time. I don't understand why my boss insists on having the awards during the busiest time of year. We are always preparing up until the last min and its during christmas time and finals for her graders. I dunno!! Oh well at least I get paid for just handing out trophies to little kids.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Tax final!!

Today is my taxation final, it should not be to bad I am just excited to be done with the class. Yeah its almost christmas break!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas with Grandma

December seems to be such a crazy month with the upcoming holiday. And since our family is so busy we had to have our christmas celebration with our Grandma today even though its 20 days early crazy huh!!

Our house at Christmas Time

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Putting up Christmas

Today the family got into the Christmas spirit and put up all of our decorations and the tree. Its begining to feel a lot like Christmas!!!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Words to live by

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverence.” James 1:1-2

Personally for me when I am going through a hard time it is hard to consider it a blessing. It is hard to remember that my struggles and hardships are not ment to break me down but were specially designed by God to test me. It is a hard pill to swallow but I just need to keep this verse close to my heart and the Lord even closer.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Tax Return

For my Acc 431 class our final project is a group tax return, which seems simple enough of course its not. This tax return has everything that could possibly go wrong. My group and I have been working for about 20+ hours and we are just about done. Everything is just so rediclous I mean we were stuck on forever what to do with the dog before we realized that you have to depreciate it over its useful life. I mean how crazy is that. Oh well at least it is almost done. And I learned I am never going into taxes.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December 1st

So I may be 21 years old, but I still always get an advent calander each year. I love waking up each morning for the month of December and eating a bite size chocolate treat. YUMMMMMY!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Five years time

“well in five years time we could be walking ‘round a zoo with the sun shining down over me and you. and there’ll be love in the bodies of the elephants, too, and I’ll put my hand over your eyes but you’ll peek through…”

I have often found wondering where my life will lead me five years from this moment. The future appears to be an empty canvas. Who knows where it will lead or the number of new experiences that will be drawn out on this vast blankness? Maybe I’ll be married and have a kid or two. Who knows? We will just have to wait and see!

Monday, November 29, 2010

A few of my favorite things

- chapstick ( I could not live w/ out it)
- Seinfeld episodes
- cozy socks
- people watching
- march madness
- vacations
- boots
- red wine
- good music
- tennis
- peanut butter m&ms

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Goofy's Kitchen

It is a Tungate family tradition to go to Goofy's Kitchen the Sunday after thanksgiving. This tradition started seven years ago because I was unable to pig out on thanksgiving because the following saturday was the cross country state championships. So the sunday after the meet we would all go to goofys kitchen and I would finally get the chance to pig out.
And the tradition has continued on because as soon as I graduated highschool Grace was on the varstiy cross country team and had the state championships. We will have to see what happens next year since everyone will be done with cross country and there will be no meet for the Tungate family!! 

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Tonight Kat and I saw the cirque du soleil show "O" and let me tell you it was amazing. It was like nothing I had ever seen before there were people flying, swimming, diving and jumping all over the place and it was awsome. I recomend that if you have not seen one of their shows yet that you get on it cause it is something that should not be missed.

Friday, November 26, 2010


So my best friend & I are finally both 21 and since we have a break from school we decided that a trip to Las Vegas is a major must.

Our luck this trip never seemed to run out. First we made it to Vegas crazy fast there seemed to be no traffic, which was a suprise since it was a holiday weekend. Then our room gets updated to a suite, which was huge with two bathrooms and a lounge area and a bedroom. And then I had the best luck at the penny slots and always managed to win (unfortunetly Kat wasn't so lucky!!)

Thursday, November 25, 2010


So today began like every other thanksgiving, we all gathered in the livingroom and watched the Macy's thanksgiving day parade. And like always I am the only one who ends up watching the whole thing, slowly but shirly everyone seems to disappears. First my dad left to work on the dinner preporations, the my mom left to start cleaning the house, then holden fell asleep which is not techincally leaving but he wasn't watching so I am going to count it, and then grace left to clean her room leaving me alone on the couch watching the parade. I should be use to it since it happend ever year but I am not. Then we all cleaned the house getting ready for tonight.

Later Ellen and Amanda came over for the festivities. Thanksgiving dinner was amazing like always (my dad is a fantastic cook) Then we played games and watched the dog show. All in all it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.